Monday, October 8, 2007

a change is as good as a rest...

... so again I will procrastinate on the task of learning to knit cables without needles. My new October project will be - lining 2 knitted bags! (I've never done this before and have accordingly been putting the finishing of these two UFOs off for... well, let's say at least a year.)

Here are the "before" pictures:

More info at my blog.

Two other projects for me for October (unofficial ones - but thanks, Tina, as this KAL has lit quite the fire under my lazy a**):

Knitting related: submitting a pattern for publication (sorry, can't share it. But if it doesn't get published I'll share it for free)

Non-knitting related: cutting back to one small pack (20 cigarettes) per day. So far, so good.

Happy autumn!


S said...

I can't wait to see the completed projects! Congrats on cutting back on the cigarettes!

Knit and fall back in it said...

Congratulations on your decision to stop smoking. I quit December 15, 1998.

schmom8889 said...

cutting back on the cigs, completing UFOs AND submitting a design--It's ALL good!!

Hobbygåsa said...

I take my hat off for your quit smoking progress!!!

Kristina B said...

Thanks, all. ;-)

End goal to quit altogether in February 08 (just to avoid that "resolutions which are never kept" problem).

Jaye said...

Kristina - all great goals! Especially cutting back on the cigs! Wishing you the best of luck ;0)

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't mind virtual hugs from a complete stranger - I want to give you one for cutting back on smoking. It's something I struggle with as well. I've quite several times, and then fallen back into it when life got stressful. We're cheering for a healthier you - with more money to spend on yarn ;)