Saturday, October 20, 2007

October project in progress...

well, I'm still slacking on lining the knitted bags. So, I've gone with a past "do something new" idea which has not yet seen fruition: combining knitting and stained glass and tile mosaic to make an art piece. Here's some shots in progress:

It should be done tomorrow, hopefully. In case the photo doesn't show it well, the cross shape in the middle is knitted.


S said...

It is amazing!!! What are you going to do with it?

Knit and fall back in it said...

That is pretty cool. I like it. I have this idea in my head about a fair isle or intarsia project stretched over a frame and hung on the wall. Maybe even felted, it is still in the planning stages.

Kristina B said...


Srh, it will be a wall hanging, hopefully. It is mounted on a canvas. My only concern is that it might be a bit too heavy what with tile grout added.

Knitbackandfallinit, I think that's a great idea as well - particularly if it's like a portrait. Actually, the Knitting Masterpieces book would be cool for this... you could actually have a knitted Mona Lisa!